Conditioning, Motivation, Off season

Building self discipline

Day 2

A little harder to get up this morning. Bed is all warm and cozy, its slightly colder than yesterday and I am already stiff from yesterdays leg session…Its just stretching, I can have just five more minutes…

“The difference between those who succeed in life and those that do not is that those who succeed always do what is most beneficial for them at any given moment whether they feel like it at the time or not”

This saying (author unknown to me) pounds into my conciousness. Darn, this self discipline thing is a tough gig :0)

Up I get, downstairs, stretch mat out, 30 Day Challenge Day 2 on the laptop. I start my routine and breathe

Basic Mobility Drills

  • Hip Flexor Stretch (video) – 3 x [20sec hold + 20 active reps] each side
  • Hamstring Stretch (video) – 3 x 20 reps each side
  • Adductor Stretch (video) – 2 x 10 reps [7sec contract : 10sec relax + stretch]
  • BONUS DRILL – Low Back Mobility (video) – 2 x 20 [10 each side alternating]

Today’s Balance Drill

  • Single Leg Balance – Eyes Closed (video) – 2 x 30sec each side

Mmmm don’t know if the stretch and balance drills from yesterday are feeling better or worse (I have this thing about getting results super fast) and todays bonus drill again highlights my level of inflexibility and tightness but I keep reminding myself “success is a journey not a destination” and my key focus at the moment is doing what I plan.

Gym session was awesome, a good friend and training partner is back from a business trip – partners really help to push intensity, its amazing how much more you can do just having somebody stand by you going ” you can do one more”

Todays session

  • Warm up

Stretch, strength routine

Pullups, Dips, Handstand Push Ups, Wall sits (each week increase by 1 or 2 reps; each day different style of pull up)

  • Main

Lat Pull Down 2 x20 (start at 65% of max, each week increase weight by 10%)

Straight arm push down 2 x 20 (as above)

Weighted Pull ups 5 x 5 (same as above)

Bent over row 5 x 5 (as above)

Barbell clean 1 x 5 (practising the movement)

  • Warm down

stretch, roller

Tomorrow swim/bike

Conditioning, Off season, Training, Triathlon

Its all about that base(ics)

Its funny how every time I write this title a song by a very similar title comes to mind. Is it the combination of catchy beat and tune, easy to sing lyrics or the talented Meghan Trainor? Either way its in my head as I write this post so I thoughts why not share the love. (I probably am going to get into trouble from some high powered music executive for promoting this song and artist without agreeing copyright or paying loyalties or something. If so I apologise, please let me know discreetly and I will remove immediately from this post)

All about that base

Right now that you are suitably motivated (or annoyed) lets get back to the task at hand – Setting the foundations to an injury free season.

As I promised myself yesterday I completed Day1 of the 30 Day Challenge (here’s the link again in case you missed it yesterday)

30 day

This mornings focus was on Basic Mobility and Balance Drills and the session comprised of

Basic Hip Mobility Drills

  • Hip Flexor Stretch (video) – 3 x [20sec hold + 20 active reps] each side
  • Hamstring Stretch (video) – 3 x 20 reps each side
  • Adductor Stretch (video) – 2 x 10 reps [7sec contract : 10sec relax + stretch]

Today’s Balance Drill

  • Single Leg Balance – Eyes Open (video) – 2 x 30sec each side

Over all thoughts – Man I am in big trouble! The stretches really highlighted how tight my posterior and anterior chain is (my Hamstring stretch was pitiful) and the single Leg Balance activity (there are 3 separate movements, all very cool) bust my cahoonies. I have NO, I repeat NO balance in my right leg. Lol, I think the only thing that kept me upright when on the right leg was how my toes were so scrunched up into the mat that they acted like a set of claws :0) Not a pretty picture right

Any case, really cool and cant wait to see what tomorrow has install

Onto the main session then

Till February I am following an ‘Off season’ ethos and focusing on strength development (typically a 5×5 format, Complex moves, one muscle group a day, Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) with a swim/ride on a Wednesday and a cycle/run on a Saturday. The run is on hold for the moment till my calf/achilles injury is sorted and then I will throw in 2 morning runs (station to work 2.3 miles, slow and easy – Remember my run is my biggest challenge)

In case you are following this and are interested in what the exercises comprise of, here is the session

  • Warm up

Stretch, strength routine

Pullups, Dips, Handstand Push Ups, Wall sits (each week increase by 1 or 2 reps; each day different style of pull up)

  • Main

Single leg leg press 2 x20 (start at 65% of max, each week increase weight by 10%)

Barbell squat 5 x 5 (same as above)

Snatch to over head squat 1 x 5 (practising the movement)

Walking barbell lunges 5 x 5 (same as above)

  • Warm down

5 minutes cardio (row, glider or bike)

stretch, roller

So far so good  looking forward to tomorrow
